Post Term: Content

Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Bioeconomy Products and Processes

This document provides an overview of the structure and content of the product and process environmental factsheets available on the Bioeconomy Observatory web pages. These factsheets are divided into three groups that reflect the three pillars of the bioeconomy: (1) food & feed, (2) industrial bioproducts and (3) bioenergy. Compiled based on publicly available data/information collected from studies using life cycle assessment (LCA), they describe different bioeconomy value chains and their environmental performance.

Guidebook on engagement and co-creation methodologies.

This guidebook starts with an introduction on the concept of outreach and engagement methodologies and activities. Besides, giving this general overview it presents three exemplary engagement models, outlines how BLOOM’s engagement activities can be aligned to the Grand Societal Challenge of Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, or marine and maritime and inland water research, and highlights activities that are considered to be both engaging and relevant to BLOOM’s approach of empowering citizens and raising awareness for bioeconomy.

Co-creation processes will be at the heart of BLOOM’s five regional hub activities because co-creation follows an approach of involving different perspectives and collaboratively designing tools, materials, processes, activities or strategies. A variety of targeted creative methods and creative tools feed into this guideline support the hub leaders designing the most appropriate suitable workshops and to choose most fitting methodologies to reach their goals. Therefore, besides background information on co-creation, its potential and general information about organising such workshops, this section provides also as practical support a selection of co-creation methods and an example of a co-creation workshop moderation sheet, to be adapted and used by the BLOOM hubs.

All in all this guidebook is set up to encourage the BLOOM partners and hubs to structure, plan, and implement an engagement model tailored to the specific needs, drivers and barriers of each hub and thus should serve as a pool of engagement methods, activities and background information and offers assistance with planning the BLOOM co-creation workshops.

How to promote education, training and skills across the bioeconomy.

On 15 October 2019, BLOOM (represented by colleagues from the School Network and the Polish Hub) participated in the European Commission-lead event on Promoting education, training and skills across the bioeconomy, aiming to encourage the exchange of good practices among various bioeconomy stakeholders. The event addressed Action 2.4 of EC’s bioeconomy strategy: developing the new education and skills needed to support new and emerging bioeconomy approaches, particularly with regards to higher education, vocational education and the development of entrepreneurship programmes.

Boosting Bioeconomy Knowledge in Schools – free online course

Boosting Bioeconomy Knowledge in Schools online course. To learn how you can explore sustainable economic solutions with your students! Knowledge about bioeconomy is an essential requirement for students of the 21st century. Not only will the bioeconomy sector provide the jobs of the future, this knowledge will help your students better understand the challenges of tomorrow’s society and enhance their skills as responsible citizens.

Know your food

Based on the development work, the following resources were developed for the current toolkit:

  • Teachers’ guides (one for each of the four age phases)
  • Presentations
  • Work sheets and activity sheets

A mixture of presentations and activity/work sheets have been developed to provide educators and learners with appropriate information and activities. Educators may decide to use the presentations as a formal lecture, as a wall display or as a resource booklet for learners.