Tag: solutions

BIO-TIC Summary of hurdles and solutions in industrial biotechnology

The BIO-TIC project comprehensively examined the innovation hurdles in industrial biotechnology (IB) across Europe and formulated action plans and recommendations to overcome them. The projects is built on three pillars: an online industrial biotech community, an assessment of biomass and sustainability in industrial biotech, and an action plan for industrial biotech in Europe.  As part of the action plan for industrial biotech three roadmaps to overcome barriers were developed: Market roadmap, R&D roadmap and Non-Technological roadmap.

This document provides a concise overview of main hurdles and solutions collected during the multi-stakeholders iterative process. Presented solutions are discussed in more depth within either the BIO-TIC R&D roadmap or the BIO-TIC non-technological roadmap.

BIO-TIC Non-technological roadmap

The BIO-TIC project comprehensively examined the innovation hurdles in industrial biotechnology (IB) across Europe and formulated action plans and recommendations to overcome them. The projects is built on three pillars: an online industrial biotech community, an assessment of biomass and sustainability in industrial biotech, and an action plan for industrial biotech in Europe.  As part of the action plan for industrial biotech three roadmaps to overcome barriers were developed: Market roadmap, R&D roadmap and Non-Technological roadmap.

The non-technological roadmap identifies regulatory and non-technological hurdles that may prevent IB innovation from taking advantage of market opportunities., and proposes solutions for key market entry barriers.