Tag: Recommendations

BioCannDo: Insights and practical tips

BioCannDo aimed to increase awareness of bio-based products – products partly or wholly made of biomass –  and informed about potential and long-term benefits of a vibrant bioeconomy sector to the wider public. It also offered a platform for feedback, interaction and engagement in the wider discussion on the value of a bio-based economy.

The final publication of the BioCannDo project contains practical guidelines and practical tips on communicating about the bioeconomy, presented in the form of 10 insights.


Power4Bio – Recommendations for the use of existing tools when developing bioeconomy strategies

Power4Bio aims at empowering regional stakeholders to boost the transition towards bioeconomy regions in Europe by providing them with the necessary tools, instruments and guidance to develop and implement sound sustainable bioeconomy strategies.

ThePower4Bio report Recommendations for the use of existing tools when developing bioeconomy strategies presents (in fact sheets) an inventory of most interesting tools for supporting the analysis of the different aspects of a regional bioeconomy. The tool evaluation focussed on the content (data) and the user interaction aspects. The report makes recommendations on further use of the tools by the regional stakeholders involved in the project.

A gross list of 26 tools were reviewed in a quick evaluation. For 10 tools fact sheets were developed that are meant to support users to guide them towards the right tools for their information needs and to facilitate the use of the tools. Another 10 tools were selected to further inspire the design of the Bioregional Strategy Accelerator Toolkit (BSAT).


BIO-TIC Pragmatic recommendations for action

The BIO-TIC project comprehensively examined the innovation hurdles in industrial biotechnology (IB) across Europe and formulated action plans and recommendations to overcome them. The projects is built on three pillars: an online industrial biotech community, an assessment of biomass and sustainability in industrial biotech, and an action plan for industrial biotech in Europe.  As part of the action plan for industrial biotech three roadmaps to overcome barriers were developed: Market roadmap, R&D roadmap and Non-Technological roadmap.

Principal barrier to European industrial biotechnology development was cost-competitiveness, both compared to fossil alternatives and compared to other regions of the world. This was affected by many factors including the cost of feedstock, technology readiness levels, and the market support for bio-based products. The cost competitiveness issue was compounded by difficulties in accessing finance for large scale projects, an often low end user awareness of IB derived products and by a lack of skills and operational alliances to drive the sector forward.

This press release discusses ten pragmatic recommendations for action to tackle identified barriers and hurdles, and to ensure that most of the market potential is realised in Europe. These cover feedstock issues (improve the opportunities for feedstock producers within the bioeconomy, investigate the scope for using novel biomass), processing issues (promote the use of co-products from processing, improve the bioconversion and downstream processing steps, identify, leverage and build upon EU capabilities for pilot and demonstration facilities), investment challenges (introduce a long-term, stable and transparent policy and incentive framework to promote the bioeconomy, and improve access to finance for large-scale projects) and support for innovation more generally (develop the skills needed now and in the future for the IB industry, assess and improve public perception and awareness of IB and bio-based products, develop stronger relationships between conventional and non-conventional players).

BioSTEP Policy Paper – Creating Networks for the Transition to a Bio-based and Circular Economy

The bioeconomy holds potential solutions to important challenges of the future. The social, economic and environmental impacts associated with its products and processes, however, will require extensive dialogue processes on the future development of the bioeconomy.

BioSTEP aimed to promote a public dialogue on the goals of the Bioeconomy, to increase overall awareness and understanding, as well as consequences and benefits. It applied a three-tier approach to reach all relevant actors in the bioeconomy domain by using tailored communication tools, such as workshops, conferences, exhibitions and public debates on the bioeconomy.

The experience gained and lessons learned from BioSTEP are captured in a series of publications covering research recommendations, policy advice and practioners’ guidelines. Included is the policy paper Creating Networks for the Transition to a Bio-based and Circular Economy.