PILOTS4U – A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities

PILOTS4U – A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities

Pilots4U aims to setup one very visible, easy accessible network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy with Europe-wide coverage and protecting IP rights of users. Since pilot- and demo equipment is very expensive and requires specific expertise, open access infrastructures are the most cost-effective manner to support the deployment of industry-driven innovations in the market.

To assure that the network meets the needs of the European bio-economy industry (SMEs, start-ups, Large enterprises), current European pilot and demo-capabilities are compared with the needs of the European biobased industry. Up to six business cases of investments in additional equipment, facilities or capabilities will be evaluated, and the first steps will be taken to attract financing. Different cooperation schemes for the open access pilot- and demo-network will be considered.

The project consortium has all the required players to succeed: Six partners are coordinating bio-economy pilot or multipurpose demo-infrastructure networks, and therefore assure the involvement of over 40 infrastructures: Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (SmartPilots), VTT (ERIFORE), Royal Institute of Technology KTH (BRISK), Swansea University (Enalgae), Ghent University (Biorefine Cluster Europe) and NNFCC (as secretary of the BioPilotsUK initiative). The cluster organisation CLIC Innovation is representing industry that is contributing in cash to the project. The Europan Regions, research and innovation network with 150 member regions will attract interested European stakeholders (infraststructure owners and users) to get involved in the project, and NNFCC, the bio-economy consultant, is a professional, independent consultant who will lead the study.

  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2017-06-01
    To: 2019-08-31
  • Overall Budget
    1 028 311,25 €
  • Coordinator


Pilots4U Business cases for further investment in pilot/demo infrastructure
Pilots4U aimed to set up a network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy. Access to
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Pilots4U Database of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities
Pilots4U aimed to set up a network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy. Access to
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Pilots4U Final Event: Fast Forward the European Bio-economy – Presentations
Pilots4U aimed to set up a network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy. Access to
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Pilots4U Final Event: Fast Forward the European Bio-economy – Conference Report
Pilots4U aimed to set up a network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy. Access to
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Pilots4U Policy Recommendations to strengthen the European landscape of open-access infrastructure
Pilots4U aimed to set up a network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy. Access to
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Pilots4U Survey findings to understand industry needs and wants regarding open-access infrastructure
Pilots4U aimed to set up a network of open access pilot and multipurpose demo-infrastructures for the European bio-economy. Access to
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