Tag: bottlenecks

BIO-TIC R&D roadmap

The BIO-TIC project comprehensively examined the innovation hurdles in industrial biotechnology (IB) across Europe and formulated action plans and recommendations to overcome them. The projects is built on three pillars: an online industrial biotech community, an assessment of biomass and sustainability in industrial biotech, and an action plan for industrial biotech in Europe.  As part of the action plan for industrial biotech three roadmaps to overcome barriers were developed: Market roadmap, R&D roadmap and Non-Technological roadmap.

The R&D roadmap revolves around the setting of R&D priorities and identifying needs for research, pilot and demonstration plant activities.  The analysis focuses on the identification of R&D bottlenecks and required breakthroughs for large-scale deployment of industrial biotechnology in Europe by 2030 across a broad range of technological domains.