RDI2CLUB – Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems

Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems, RDI2CluB –project, is part of the Interreg Baltic Sea region project family of 2014-2020 under the Priority 1 ‘Capacity for innovation’ that is dedicated to actions strengthening the ability of the Baltic Sea Region to create and commercialize innovation.

Our mission is to help rural areas in the Baltic Sea Region to reach their full potential in bioeconomy
Bioeconomy means economic activities that utilize the biological natural resources and turn them into food, energy, and other products and services. It is founded on the use of clean technologies, renewable natural resources and recycled materials. Bioeconomy makes us less dependent on fossil fuels, prevents the degradation of ecosystems, promotes economic development and creates new jobs.

The rural areas of Baltic Sea Region (BSR) have a great potential for bioeconomy as they have abundant natural resources. However, the rural regions in BSR struggle to reach their full bioeconomy potential due to limited human capital and the lack of specialized clusters and network effects that are typical for urban areas. In the rural regions, the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in bioeconomy are mostly in traditional, resource-based industries that have not taken full advantage of latest technology and service innovations including digitalization.

  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: Oct 2017
    To: Sept 2020
  • Funding
    INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020
  • Total budget
    EUR 2.7 million
    European Regional Development Fund: EUR 1.5 million
    Norwegian Funding: EUR 0.4 million
  • Coordinator
    Biotalousinstituutti, Institute of Bioeconomy Teknologia, School of Technology


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RDI2CluB: Joint Action Plan for the Development of Regional Bioeconomy Innovation Ecosystems
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RDI2CluB: Regional Bioeconomy Profiles
The goal of the project RDI2CluB project is to support smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of the bioeconomy in rural
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