Deliverable 4.1. Results from the dynamic workshop fostering dialogue organization

The present document summarises the activities developed in order to organize the UrBIOfuture Dynamic Workshop (DW), one of the key project events for fostering collaborative academia-industry dialogue, validating preliminary results, and obtaining high valued feedback from the bioeconomy experts gathered by the project.

Focus Group Report

This document summarises the results obtained from 5 focus groups (27 participants in total) and 11 interviews to relevant agents of the Bio Industry sector carried out during the first week of May 2019 in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland, Spain and The Netherlands.
The development of the focus groups and the interviews have been guided considering, on the one hand, the current scenario of the bio-economic sector and, on the other hand, the desired scenario for the year 2030, thus allowing to obtain reliable information for the design of the subsequent tools for the collection of data as foreseen in the project.

URBIOFUTURE – Boosting future careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry

URBIOFUTURE – Boosting future careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry

UrBIOfuture main goal is to bring Europe to the forefront of the bio-based sector by boosting careers, new educational programmes and research activities.

This approach is intended to be developed in this project as a 3-step methodology:

(1) An identification step, involving career mapping of programmes involving bio-based activities and pointing of skills mismatch between them and the bioindustry needs as main KPIs, alongside with a previous methodology and work terminology developed and aligned between the educational sector and the industry needs.

(2) An interaction step, in which the constant contact and contributions of the education sector, academia and industry will be sought throughout the project. The KPIs involved will be (a) building a comprehensive stakeholder network and a working group involving representatives from each sector of the bio-based value chain. The project has already received the support of 72 organizations from bio-based industries (38 LOIs), educational institutions and networks (15 LOIs), and from innovation and research centres (19 LOIs); and (b) the organisation of two workshops in which this group will participate. The first will seek dialogue between the different profiles to validate the common terminology and methodology, and the second will consist of a co-creation exercise to set the basis for promoting careers in the bio-based sector.

(3) The implementation of UrBIOfuture, through an appropriate Communication and Dissemination plan; the organization of promotional events, train-the-trainer and train-the-student workshops; and the development of an afterlife plan will ensure the broader impact of the results materialised in the project among the European bio-based sector.

The results of UrBIOfuture will help building a bio-based industrial sector with the adequately skilled people, that are able to operate innovative value chains while establishing and sustaining a solid bio-based industry in Europe.

  • Grant Agreement ID
  • Call Topic
  • Project Website
  • Duration
    From: 2019-05-01
    To: 2020-04-30
  • Overall Budget
    996 385 €
  • Coordinator


Comprehensive map of completed and ongoing programmes addressing curricula in the bio-based sector
Deliverable about the identification of educational programmes addressing curricula related to the biobased industries. This report is the result of
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Deliverable 2.1. Bio-based stakeholders completed and classified list
Establishment of a network of stakeholders in the biobased industry sector where all participant had put an input.Main activities were
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Deliverable 4.1. Results from the dynamic workshop fostering dialogue organization
The present document summarises the activities developed in order to organize the UrBIOfuture Dynamic Workshop (DW), one of the key
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Deliverable 4.2. Results from the co-creation exercise
According to the UrBIOfuture proposal, a co-creation exercise has been designed and performed in order to set the basis for
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Educational gaps and skills mismatch in the European Bioeconomy
Recording of the webinar Media:
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Focus Group Report
This document summarises the results obtained from 5 focus groups (27 participants in total) and 11 interviews to relevant agents
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Guide of best practices for cooperation between academia and industry based on success cases
Recommendations of good practices included in each chapter are briefly explain and record in cards showing examples of specific known
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Interactive searchable map of educational programme
The UrBIOfuture project carried out an exploration to identify educational programmes related to the biobased industry. This search tool shows
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Report about the analysis of educational gaps identified in the different regional contexts and action fields
Mapping and evaluation of existing needs and lacks in professional profiles and skills in the bio-based industry Document:
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UrBIOfuture Final Conference
At this Final Webinar, the UrBIOfuture consortium  presented the outcomes, best-practices and learned lessons. Moreover, you will have the chance to
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UrBIOfuture webinar 2 : Educational gaps and skills mismatch in the European Bioeconomy
The webinar ‘Educational gaps and skills mismatch in the European Bioeconomy’ was held on January 22nd, from 11:00 to 12:00
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Webinar: Introduction to the EU Bioeconomy career opportunities
Introduction to the EU Bioeconomy career opportunities” is the first webinar held by the UrBIOfuture project, on November 19, 2019.
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