Preliminary report on European, National and Regional MML events

This deliverable (D6.1) is the Preliminary Report on the European, National and Regional MML events carried out in this reporting period by BIOVOICES. This document therefore offers the ‘preliminary insights’ collated from and based on Mobilisation and Mutual Learning approach applied in the MML events carried out until November 2019


The Bio Art Gallery App is an online dynamic slideshow presenting the most promising feedstock and its related bioeconomy applications in everyday life with 60 stunning pictures. It offers an innovative approach of showcasing to the public some examples of bio-based products and applications currently available in the market through several examples: cosmetics, nutraceutics, tissues, toys and sport, disposable tableware, cleaning products, gadgets, and much more.

Population of the BIOVoices multi-stakeholder on-line platform with contents Report (first version)

In order to share knowledge emerging from the different activities of the BIOVOICES project, from other experiences and projects and, to establish a large community, it is necessary to define a “common vocabulary” used by people that participate in BIOVOICES community using the BIOVOICES social platform.
This deliverable “Population of the BIOVOICES multi-stakeholder on-line platform with contents Report (first version)” contains the ontology of concepts related to the bio-based products and bio-economy field, embedded in the BIOVOICES social platform.

BIOVoices multistakeholder on-line social platform: v1.0

This document provides a description of the Deliverable “D5.1 BIOVoices multistakeholder on linesocial platform: V1.0”, which is the configured on-line BIOVoices social platform (version V1) representing the technical infrastructure for managing participatory tools, co-production of contents, knowledge and co-creation, initiatives launching, creative spaces creation, etc., supporting on-line communities (starting from e-communities already existing in the bio-based sector, and applicable in other application domains) in their work and common work.

BIOVOICES methodological approach for Mobilization and Mutual Learning (MML)

This document provides guidance on how to design Mobilisation and Mutual Learning events that are informed by validated challenges identified by BIOVOICES to co-create actionable, acceptable and responsible outcomes that support the uptake of innovative boil-based solutions.

Guidelines for the design of the BIOVoices mobilisation and mutual learning approach

The overall aim of this report is to develop the guidelines for the design of the BIOVOICES Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) approach that are relevant, attractive and motivating for the quadruple helix stakeholders to contribute and finally to deliver impactful outcomes (policy recommendations, action plans, agreements, further collaboration, etc.).

Map of promising perspectives of bio-based product for application sectors

The overall aim of this report is to define the challenges to be addressed during the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MMLs) that:

● Are relevant, attractive and motivating for the Quadruple Helix stakeholders
● Have been identified (by the stakeholder) as central for the Bioeconomy and BBPs market uptake
● Should be addressed to unlock the potential of Bioeconomy
● Could benefit from the Quadruple Helix collaboration to deliver impactful outcomes (policy recommendations, action plans, agreements, further collaboration among stakeholders, etc.)

These challenges will be validated during several rounds with stakeholders and experts in autumn 2018, will flow in the document “BIOVOICES Methodological approach for Mobilisation and Mutual Learning” to be used by the partners to design the MMLs at local, regional, national and international level.

Identification of Stakeholders’ Interests and Motivations

This report aims at identifying the quadruple helix stakeholders’ interests and motivations to participate in the BIOVOICES MMLs (Mobilisation and Mutual Learning) community. It analyses within a comparative framework data collected in 82 interviews conducted by the 13 partners
of the project distributed among 10 countries (Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom). Its goal is to identify the relevant challenges to prepare future MML events and feed the BIOVOICES MML platform, thus contributing to foster an open dialogue and co-creation of knowledge among all participants.

Report with a synthesis of market perspectives

This report presents an overview of the existing barriers and opportunities to commercialise bio-based applications in Europe as described in current literature, to indicate key issues in the transition to the bio-based economy. As the focus of BIOVOICES is on the market perspectives of application sectors, the aim is to select commercial applications which are relevant for different stakeholders to share their perspectives, knowledge and experiences for mutual learning.