Map of promising perspectives of bio-based product for application sectors

The overall aim of this report is to define the challenges to be addressed during the Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MMLs) that:

● Are relevant, attractive and motivating for the Quadruple Helix stakeholders
● Have been identified (by the stakeholder) as central for the Bioeconomy and BBPs market uptake
● Should be addressed to unlock the potential of Bioeconomy
● Could benefit from the Quadruple Helix collaboration to deliver impactful outcomes (policy recommendations, action plans, agreements, further collaboration among stakeholders, etc.)

These challenges will be validated during several rounds with stakeholders and experts in autumn 2018, will flow in the document “BIOVOICES Methodological approach for Mobilisation and Mutual Learning” to be used by the partners to design the MMLs at local, regional, national and international level.