Post Term: Policy Brief

BioSTEP Policy Paper – Creating Networks for the Transition to a Bio-based and Circular Economy

The bioeconomy holds potential solutions to important challenges of the future. The social, economic and environmental impacts associated with its products and processes, however, will require extensive dialogue processes on the future development of the bioeconomy.

BioSTEP aimed to promote a public dialogue on the goals of the Bioeconomy, to increase overall awareness and understanding, as well as consequences and benefits. It applied a three-tier approach to reach all relevant actors in the bioeconomy domain by using tailored communication tools, such as workshops, conferences, exhibitions and public debates on the bioeconomy.

The experience gained and lessons learned from BioSTEP are captured in a series of publications covering research recommendations, policy advice and practioners’ guidelines. Included is the policy paper Creating Networks for the Transition to a Bio-based and Circular Economy.


Policy Report on instruments to connect biological streams, research results and investors

In this report, the project partners have reviewed the instruments that are currently in use in their regions and have the potential to facilitate the transfer of research results to industrial partners operating in the field of biowaste and biological streams.

The report is part of the exchange of experience and good practices, and is meant as inspiration in preparing the Action Plans to improve policy instruments in this field.

Systemic Change in National and Regional Circular Economy Transition

In a circular economy, resource efficiency is maximised, and waste production is minimised in order to achieve a more sustainable economy. The successful transition towards circular economy needs to have comprehensive support from governments (Loiseau et al. 2016; Geissdorfer et al. 2017). Consequently, efforts are required at different scale levels to reach a systemic and holistic approach: local, regional and national (Geng et al. 2012; Su et al. 2012; EC 2015; Ghisellini et al. 2016). The macro-level efforts to support this transition refer to policy changes on national and regional levels.

The current situation of circular economy policies from the perspective of national and selected regional strategies in Finland, France, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain is shown in Table 1. The importance of the transition towards circular economy has been recognized in the majority of the policies and strategies studied, both on the regional and national levels. Several circular economy strategies have already been finalised while others are in the process of being validated.